The key to our success rests in people like you who embody the spirit of greatness by saying, "Yes I can and so can you!"  Thanks for your inspiring dedication and tremendous example to the world.

Is there a special skill or ability you would be willing to share with the class?

Here are a few examples of ways to volunteer:
:  Time is the most important thing you can donate.  You are welcome to volunteer in the classroom any time.  Your child would love it!

Thngs you can do in the classroom:
Read to the children
Play games and do puzzles with the children
Help with art projects, snack and daily activities

Things you can do outside the classroom:
Cut and prepare materials
Share ideas and concerns
Help plan and/or attend Family Fun Days and Parent Meetings
Drive and/or help supervise students on field trips

Baking: making treats for class parties and/or theme based snacks (example: dinosaur cookies) are always appreciated
Holidays:  We have a class party for each holiday.  You can volunteer to bring treats, plan games or help in the classroom.
Sewing:  Make doll clothes, dress up clothes, superhero capes, chef hats, bean bags, etc.  Or bring in material and help children learn a simple stitch.
Gardening: provide materials and help the children plant flowers or bring in fresh produce you have grown for the children to try.
Woodworking: do a presentation for the class showing different tools and what they are used for or build something for the classroom or play yard.
Field trips:  Plan a field trip to your place of business
Traditional Food:  Cook a traditional food to share and explain its meaning and importance to your family
Traditions:  Share a family tradition that is important to you and explain to the children why it is important to you.


Check the schedule for upcoming field trips and parties!