Discipline Policy

The goal of discipline is to help children learn self-control. Little Darlings Academy helps teach children about appropriate behavior and how to get along with others.

Little Darlings Academy teachers will be consistent.

Little Darlings Academy teachers will provide appropriate guidance immediately following a child’s misbehavior so that the child understands why he or she is being corrected. Little Darlings Academy teachers will never threaten to do something that they would not or could not do.
Little Darlings Academy teachers will be a good role model. They will act with kindness and patience toward each child. They will respect and talk to children about their feelings.

Little Darlings Academy teachers will talk with children about their behavior and what is expected. They will review the rules. Little Darlings Academy teachers will tell children what they can do rather than what they can’t. “Please walk” is more effective than “don’t run”.

Little Darlings Academy teachers will provide redirection to an unwanted behavior and guide the child to make a better choice. Little Darlings Academy will give children choices whenever possible.

Little Darlings Academy teachers will help the child learn to solve problems. Suggestions will be offered when necessary and the child will be allowed to decide the best choice.

Little Darlings Academy will follow a consistent daily schedule so that children know what to expect and are prepared for changes in activity throughout the day. Changes may be made to the daily schedule due to special field trips, activities and visitors.

Little Darlings Academy teachers will praise good behavior often. Children (and adults) need to hear that the good things they do are appreciated!

Little Darlings Academy teachers will talk to parents about both the good things their child has done while in child care and those things that require additional attention. Little Darlings Academy teachers will include parents in making decisions about effective ways to provide guidance for their child. Consistency between the child’s home and the preschool is most effective. Little Darlings Academy teachers will never spank or use another method of punishment that is prohibited by law or regulation, even if parents give permission.

Little Darlings Academy teachers may put a child in time out if the child is not willing to change his or her behavior. Time out will be used only after other discipline choices have been tried.

Accident/Emergency Policy
1. All children will be gathered and accounted for.
2. Children and teachers will go out the safest exit and meet on the front sidewalk.
3. Children will be taken to 216 S. Front (next door), and the fire department will be called from there.
4. Parents will be called to pick up children at 216 S. Front.

1. If a Tornado siren sounds, the children will be gathered and accounted for.
2. Children will be taken to the basement, away from windows.
3. Children will crouch down and cover their heads for protection.
4. Parents will be called as soon as safely possible. Teachers will not go upstairs to answer the phone until the all clear sounds. Please wait for me to call you.

Storm Plan:
1. A battery operated flashlight is on hand in case the lights go out, and a battery operated radio to listen to weather reports.
2. If the weather becomes worse, the Tornado plan will be followed.

Flood Plan:
1. Little Darling’s Academy is not in a flood area, but if flooding would occur, the children will be taken to higher ground and wait for directions from emergency personnel.

Serious Injury:
1. I will check the injury and administer First Aid. An Ambulance will be called if needed.
2. Parents will be notified and told where the child is being taken care of.
3. An Emergency substitute will be called to care for the other children.
4. As soon as the Emergency substitute arrives, the child and necessary paperwork will be taken, (or follow the ambulance) to get medical attention. I will stay with the child until a parent arrives.
5. When returning to Little Darling’s Academy, an injury report will be filled out and sent to the Health Department by the next working day.